It is finally starting to look and feel like spring! All over town the cherry trees are waking up and beginning to bloom. In honor of this beautiful (and sure) sign of spring, the children created their own cherry trees today!
We began by painting the background with large paintbrushes and a light blue paint. We covered the whole paper with blue so we could really show off the shape of the branches and pink cherry blossoms.
Next I provided the kids with brown paint and pre-cut squares of cardboard. The kids used the edge of the cardboard to print the trunk and the branches of the tree.
Lastly, we mixed up a nice light pink paint and used bottle caps to print the cherry blossoms!
These trees are beautiful! Be sure to look at the variety of approaches the children had to understanding and expressing the idea of "tree". Amazing! These pieces are currently displayed in the mail hall at MMS. Stop by and see them if you can.