Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Painting a Sunset

We spent this rainy morning working on a sunset project. 
We began by looking at a sunset painting by a former student. We noted the composition in particular. Then we worked together to draw a field of flowers with mountains and a sunset in the distance. 

The kids did beautifully with the project. When given the opportunity, many were excited to try drawing new types of flowers and to add their own interesting designs and patterns. After drawing, the kids painted their pictures with watercolor. Beautiful!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Buildings in color!

We had a fun (and unusual) art class today. 

Due to unforeseen events we were in a new location! We were unexpectedly moved to the hall where every kiddo walking to the water fountain or bathroom had a chance to see and enjoy our art making! As you can see, the kids had a chance to add color to the buildings they made last week. We used oil pastels. The kids were free to elaborate and color any way they chose. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Architectural Design : Building Prints

Ever wonder what your child's dream house looks like? Ever wonder what they would build if they could? Today we explored this idea in a printmaking class!

For this class I did a full demonstration before letting the kids go on the project. I talked them through the process. Let's begin with the white paper! I take my cardboard square and dip one of the thin edges into the paint. Then I press the painted edge onto my paper. Repeating this process on my page I am able to imagine (and then create!) the overall shape of my house and all the interesting details I want to add. The kids added: doors, windows, roofs, awnings, chimneys, ladders, slides(!), kites, stars and more!

For materials we had: 
Large pieces of black and white construction paper
Washable black paint
Washable orange paint (in honor of the Halloween season)
And 2" squares of cut cardboard

After finishing the black and white pieces, we switched to black paper and orange paint for a Halloween themed house. Next week we will add color to these pieces. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Bears, bears, bears!

Today's classroom project was entirely drawing focused with a theme of "bears in the woods".

We began by imagining a bear in the woods. The kids talked about all they saw in their minds and what they might want to add to their pictures. We asked questions like: what kind of bear is this? Does in have a family? What is the season? What is the weather? What time of day is it? What is my bear doing?

With these ideas in mind, we began drawing. I encouraged the kids to follow along as I did a demonstration drawing. We drew our bears using a combination of simple shapes.

The kids drew their bears and then added all sorts of personal details. Many of the kids liked the idea of a family of bears. Others focused more on the details of the landscape and background. Finally we used colored pencils to give our pieces some life and color. Take a look below! They are wonderful!