Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Great Color Mixing Experiment

Getting Messy and Learning About COLOR!

Today the children had a chance to get messy and learn about the relationships between colors. We began our class by guessing what would happen when we mixed one primary color (red, blue or yellow) with another. MMS work has given these kids a leg up. There were some excellent guesses!

After that we put our theories to the test. In pairs of two or three, the children had a chance to mix the primary colors together on large sheets of paper to create the secondary colors (orange, green and purple). These pages, full of bright color, will be used in next class to create a color quilt!

Red and blue make purple!

Blue and yellow make green!

Red and yellow makes orange!

After a big clean up (look at all those messy hands!)we returned  to our seats where everyone had a chance to do a quick color mixing worksheet that will be added to their sketchbooks as a reminder of what we learned today. 
Conversation starters for you:
What  colors did your color team mix?
What is a primary color? (Clue: Primary comes "first". What are the original colors?)
What is a secondary color? (Clue: Secondary means "comes second". What colors did you make?)
How did you like getting messy in art class?
Even the mess made a beautiful piece of art!

These "hand-mixed" colored papers will be used for next weeks ART QUILT!
The kids did wonderfully today! I hope that they returned home without too many painted knees and elbows. Luckily it is all washable. See you next week for our Art Quilt!

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