Sunday, November 20, 2016

Robots! Robots! Robots!

Check out this amazing work! The kids spent a class constructing robots out of precut cardboard shapes.We began by working on the outer space background. The kids created pink and yellow stars out of paper strips.

Then they were given a wide variety of pre-cut cardboard shapes to build their own robots.They were encouraged to think about whether they wanted to make their robots symmetrical or asymmetrical.
 They also thought creatively about what special features they wanted their robots to have.

 Next class the kids had the option of adding color to their robots. We had some really neat silver, gold and copper options for the bodies of the robots.
 They also had purple, red and blue paints available for painting the details.
 These two classes were really exciting and fun.
The most wonderful thing to watch during these two classes was how supportive the kids were of each others creations. This is a class that encourages invention and creative exploration. As you can see from the results below they really took up the challenge.

Final Robots for POOHVILLE

Final Robots for BEARVILLE

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