Tuesday, January 30, 2018

ROBOTS (Part 2!)

This morning we painted our robots with glorious metallic paints! The kids had a warm bronze and a cool silver to choose from. Most of the kids tried at least a little bit of each color. I encouraged the kids to paint carefully and to be sure to paint ALL of the cardboard so that their robots would look like they were really made of metal.

 When all the robots were painted we lay them out to dry and took a little time to color. The kids brought home their coloring today, so you can take a look!

When the robots were dry, we pulled them back out again and added details. We had a selection of sparkles, color squares (the kids made these at the beginning of the year for a different project), pipe cleaners, Q-tips, paper clips, pennies, feathers and an assortment of beads. Here are the completed works! Enjoy!

A special congratulations to Ashley who was absent last week and managed to build her robot, paint it and add details in a single morning!

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