Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Bees In Honey Hives

Buzz buzz buzz!

Today we worked on bees in honey hives, a fun project incorporating painting, drawing and printing!

We begn by simply painting the background of our hives orange and setting them aside to dry.

Then we shared a lesson in drawing bees. We began by drawing three bees with black oil pastel. Then we repeated the process, drawing another 3 bees with yellow oil pastel.

Now, the exciting part. We pulled out our watercolors and painted our black bees with yellow - and our yellow bees with black! Due to the oil content in the pastels, the drawings "pop" through the watercolors. Beautiful!

We set aside our bees to dry and returned to the (now mostly dry) orange paintings. Each child was also given a large paintbrush, yellow paint and a rectangle of bubble wrap. The kids painted the bumpy side of the bubbly wrap and then gently pressed it onto the orange paper. When the listed it off, ta-da!, we had a honey comb print in a lovely glowing yellow!

Next week we will combine these pieces into one final finished work of art!

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